Thursday, January 28, 2010

Debra Medina on the Issues (Republican Candidate for Texas Governor)


Debra on the Issues Facing Texas

Private property and gun ownership are essential elements of freedom.

Eliminate property tax: We must eliminate property tax in Texas. We can fund necessary government services more efficiently and fairly using a broader based sales tax. Eliminating property tax and deriving that revenue from a sales tax will mean a $3 billion increase in net personal income in Texas and will add 125,000-175,000 new jobs.

Protect gun ownership: Protecting freedom requires that the people be well armed. Government cannot protect us from violence, we must defend ourselves. Texans must not compromise and must not surrender their right to keep and bear arms. We must not only nullify federal laws that threaten that right but encourage citizens to be, as Madison encouraged, “trained to arms, as that is the best and most natural defense of a free country.”

Secure our border: Texas must promote healthy immigration and trade through the legal ports of entry. We cannot wait on Washington D.C. to act. As governor I will make addressing illegal immigration and promoting sovereignty a top priority.

Restore Sovereignty: The U.S. Constitution not only protects citizens' freedoms in the Bill of Rights, it also divides power between the federal and state governments and ultimately reserves final authority for the people themselves. Texas must stop the overreaching federal government and nullify federal mandates in agriculture, energy, education, healthcare, industry, and any other areas D.C. is not granted authority by the Constitution.

Debra on the Role of Government

That which governs best, governs least

We Texans understand that our government is made up of the people, by the people, and for the people. The proper role of government is to uphold justice and to prevent injustice. Justice is upheld when the natural inalienable rights of man are protected and when government is constrained by the strong bands of our rule of law. We must insure that law applies to one and all the same.

A limited government operating in its proper role allows citizens to reach their full potential thus allowing our state to reach its full potential. Our government should be protecting life, liberty, property, and individual sovereignty. Our government should not be confiscating property, constraining liberties, or making decisions that are better made at the local level by individuals, families, and communities.

Debra on State Sovereignty

Restore a strong respect for the 10th Amendment

The Constitution of the United States is a contract between "We the People" to form a limited federal government composed of sovereign states. It creates a republican form of government. Any power not expressly granted to the federal government is reserved for the states and for the people.

Like any party to a contract, Texas must stand up and push back against any attempts to abuse the Constitution or abuse the inalienable rights granted by our Creator.

As individuals, as parents, as families, and as Texans we must be courageous enough to say NO when Washington oversteps its bounds.

We Texans have always believed that the individual and the family are the foundation of America's greatness. We Texans know what's best for our families. We know best how to manage our lives, we know best how to raise our children, and we know best how to spend our money.

By asserting her Constitutional sovereignty, Texas can protect her citizens and provide them the opportunity to succeed. As Governor, I promise to fight back against federal laws that unconstitutionally interfere with the lives of Texans.

Texas can lead. Texas will lead.

Debra on Taxes and Spending

Cut Taxes + Cut Spending = Reduced Government

Taxes must be cut, property taxes eliminated, and government spending reduced.


Taxes are the fuel that feeds big government. Taxes are the burden carried by productive citizens. To relieve that burden, taxes must be cut.

Two cornerstones of the American Dream are purchasing a home and starting a business. So why are We Texans punished for pursuing this dream?

As Governor I will fight to end property taxes. This will allow Texans to truly own their piece of Texas. You cannot truly own property that you have to pay the government for every year.

It's time to remove barriers to opportunity. It's time to start dreaming again in Texas.


We must reduce spending in order to reduce taxes. The size and scope of government is in direct proportion to the amount that government spends. Size of spending equals the size of government. Only reduction in spending means less government, less taxes and less intrusion into the lives of responsible Texans. We must cut spending.

As conservatives we all have our favorite federal-level departments we would like to see go, but when have we ever stopped to consider which state-level departments need to go? It is time to return those responsibilities that are better undertaken on the local-level to our counties, our churches and our families.

As Governor I promise to be responsible with the hard-earned money entrusted to Texas by Texans. I promise to work to cut as much spending as possible, so that decisions can be returned to the local-level and the home where they belong and so that more of your money stays in your pocket.

Debra on the Business Climate in Texas

Remove Barriers to Business in Texas

The business margins tax, high property taxes, over-regulation, and increased government spending harm the economy and enslave the people. Providing government services at the local level and reducing the spending at the state level will create a magnet for business and strengthen the economy of the state.

As Governor, I will fight to end the business margins tax. This tax is a backdoor income tax. This relief will allow businesses to grow. Economic growth leads to more jobs. More jobs lead to a higher standard of living for all Texans.

Debra on Private Property

A Texas truly owned by Texans

Dominion over ourselves, our private property, and the fruits of our labor is essential to liberty. Property in all its forms must be protected and property taxes must be eliminated.

As Governor I will fight state agencies who abuse the power of eminent domain to wrongfully seize property.

"When a portion of wealth is transferred from the person who owns it without his consent and without compensation, and whether by force or by fraud to anyone who does not own it, then property is violated and an act of plunder committed" Frederick Bastiat, The Law.

Debra on Life

Pro-Life Period

Life begins at conception and concludes at natural death.

Every human is created in the image of God. God, not man, is the measure of all things. Every human life is precious and I will work to protect innocent human life.

Debra on Family

Strong families are the heart and soul of our great state

Government must resist interfering in our families. We Texans must support the fundamental rights of parents to determine what is in the best interest of their children. All government policies must be crafted to support the stability of the family and to refrain from undermining it. Government subsidies destroy family bonds, as parents are not required to rely upon one another for support, but instead look towards the nanny state. We must foster individual responsibility, rather than coerce government dependence.

Debra on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

No compromise 2nd Amendment

Gun ownership is essential to our liberty. Private property rights notwithstanding, the right to keep and bear arms should not be regulated or infringed. We Texans should be free to carry our arms openly, and any attempts to restrict gun ownership should be rejected.

Debra on Illegal Immigration

Illegal Immigration is Illegal

Illegal immigration affects many aspects of our lives: jobs, health care, education, housing, and taxes to name a few. It also adversely affects the lives of those who come here illegally, as they are forced into an underground culture. We are all harmed by illegal immigration. The most compassionate thing We Texans can do is stop illegal immigration.

Debra on Education

Return to Local Control and Expect Excellence

We Texans deserve excellence in education. We Texans remain concerned about the quality of our schools despite the fact that funding of public education has more than doubled in recent years. Promoting competition, local control, and guidance will allow Texas to reduce cost, increase performance, and improve the quality in our schools.

Our Constitution provides for the support and maintenance of an efficient system of free public schools "for the general diffusion of knowledge essential to the preservation of the liberties and rights of the people."

Debra on Healthcare

Free-Market Healthcare Only

We Texans should be free to make our own decisions concerning healthcare for our families. Government interference in the medical industry increases medical costs and lowers the quality of healthcare. We must eliminate state mandates and promote a free market for healthcare in order to offer the best medical services to the most people. Families and communities, not government, ought to be allowed and encouraged to provide healthcare to those who need it.

I have not decided exactly who I am supporting in the republican primary for Texas Governor, but after reading the information above I cannot find much/if anything that I disagree with.

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